Fundraiser for Earthquake Victims in Syria and Turkey
Goal to raise $1,000 by the last day of the month Tuesday, February 28, 2023.
P A R T I C I P A T E:
Donate minimum of $US 30 // €EUR 25 // £GBP 25 (or more!) directly to one of the following organizations.
DM on IG to @anjelika with a screenshot of your donation receipt, with the name and mailing address where you'd like your painting sent. (I will mail internationally too.)
*optional* Share three preferences of paintings. I can not guarantee your pick.
O R G A N I Z A T I O N S:
White Helmets** are humanitarians and volunteers of men and women focused on rescue, recovery and rehabilitation from the earthquake in parts of opposition-controlled Syria and in Turkey. They are critical frontline responders in these regions since 2014.
Syria Relief and Development a 501(c)(3) directly addressing the most urgent aid needs of Syria since they were founded in 2011. They are headquartered in the United States with offices in Syria, Turkey, and Jordan.
Turkish Philanthropic Funds a 501(c)(3) U.S. community foundation for high-impact social investments dedicated to Turkish and Turkish-American communities. (Link to fundraising page organized by Thyme Care for Turkish Philanthropic Funds.)
** The White Helmets are also known as the Syria Civil Defence. The White Helmets website is built and managed by The Syria Campaign which is registered as a non-profit in the UK as The Voices Project, a non-profit in Germany as Voices Project Germany and a 501(c)3 non-profit in the US as Voices Project USA. Donations are processed through Voices Project USA (EIN 82-3505967).
Each one of the ~2.5” x ~3.5” paintings have been painted with Case for Making (CfM) paints on CfM tiny paper. Thank you to CfM for helping to make this possible!
How to participate to reach fundraising goal of $1000 by February 28, 2023.
*optional* Share three preferences of paintings. I can not guarantee your pick.
Organizations to donate to, links to specific organizations listed above.