Democracy Postcards
How do visuals become part of social culture? My work explores politics and activism through art — from imagery and symbols to typography and slogans.
Democracy Postcards (series), 2020-ongoing
Democracy Postcards
As part of a #the100dayproject, my project explored political messages gearing up for the 2020 presidential race. I created messages and images using different media on 4”x6” postcards.
Vote by Mail 2020, 2020
San Francisco Center for the Book Roadworks Personal Prints Artist
During stay-at-home, I started a #the100dayproject called Democracy Postcards in April 2020 to explore political messages and images within the constraints of a 4”x6” postcard. I created my Personal Print in the form of a stamp as many voters might decide to vote by mail this year due to the pandemic.
My 2020 Personal Print gave me the chance to explore political messages and images through printmaking. I am inspired by images and messages I come across in the online news. With those images in my head, I pencil sketch then paint over with watercolor; I used this process to design a postcard to inform my Personal Print lino carving.
“Every day, you have the power to choose our better history by opening your hearts & minds by speaking up for what you know is right,” ~ Michelle Obama
Black Lives Matter
Through the @democracypostcards platform, I raised awareness and funds for organizations fighting for justice through the #BLMpostcardfundraiser2020. If supporters donated to one of the selected organizations, I sent them individually painted postcards.
More information on how individuals could donate here and here.